Dust is an iconic part of the Australian road trip. Coming home to a vehicle covered in red dust is the expectation and usually something that keeps finding its way into cracks months after you’ve finished your trip.
But you really don’t want dust inside your vehicle.
There are two really simple methods to keeping dust out of your vehicle – new or old.
Pressurising the Inside
New vehicles generally have much better seals than older vehicle, so you’re already ahead if you’ve got a newer vehicle, but in the fight against dust, take every advantage you can get! If you’ve got a ute with a canopy or an older vehicle pressurising your interior space will make a huge difference.
Pressurising the interior of your vehicle can be done via a number of ways.
Air conditioning
Keep all your windows and doors closed and turn your aircon/heat up night and high (fan speed) without re-circulation on. This will force fresh air into your vehicle ensuring positive pressure inside the vehicle which will stop the dust being sucked in.
Canopy sliding windows
Similar to the interior of your vehicle canopies including those with tubs have sealing issues – especially around the tailgates and hinges. Tub liners and a well fitted canopy will minimise gaps, but it’s important to still positively pressurise the interior. Opening the sliding windows at the rear of the canopy (built into all Ironman 4×4 canopies) by the rear of the cab will ensure fresh air is being sucked into the canopy and creating that positive air pressure that you want. It may seem counter intuitive leaving a window open that can take in dust – but if you’re leaving enough space so you aren’t in the dust cloud of the vehicle in front of you, the window should be high enough to remain dust free and the positive pressure will ensure dust isn’t being sucked in at lower points like the tailgate.
Give some space
Driving in convoy is excellent for safety – but you don’t need to be right up the backside of the vehicle in front. Use your radios to maintain communication and provide plenty of space between vehicles to ensure you aren’t driving through their dust cloud and have plenty of opportunity to stop in case of an emergency. Plus you have the added benefit of avoiding any stray rocks or debris that might be thrown up by their wheels as well!